How do you navigate co-parenting?

This is a struggle that many parents face, but on this episode, I am joined by Aurisha Smolarski licensed marriage and family therapist and author of Cooperative Co-Parenting for Secure Kids: The Attachment Theory Guide to Raising Kids in Two Homes. 

We cover tips on how to heal yourself while nurturing your kids through divorce, clues that your child needs more support, and ways to get your co-parent to be on board.

Find out more about what Aurisha is up to by following these links:

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This is one of my favorite essential oil blends and has been featured a few times on the Essential Minute. This oil was developed to help us handle stressful situations that life throws at us and I think navigating co-parenting could fall into this category for many people. 

The reason this blend of oils is so powerful is that when you simply just inhale the small, it works with the olfactory bulb in our nose that is sending singles to the part of the brain that deals with moods and emotions. 

So this smell, through aromatherapy, can help us create more calm in our environment and when paired with a breathing exercise, can help you remain calm.

Learn more about Adpativ.

BONUS: If you want to add this to your toolbox, along with any other oils/products, you can get wholesale pricing just by using the link below AND a 1-year membership for FREE (with no ordering requirements). Want to dive into more of why natural solutions like this are great for your home? Check this out.