Money can be a huge stressor in life.

But what do you do if you are constantly finding more month at the end of your money?

My guest, Dawnette Palmore, the founder and owner of Your Money On Purpose Coaching, joins me to share why you should be vision focused rather than budget focused with your money.

We talk dive into strategies to help you feel more in control with your money, but also the importance of passing down good money habits and beliefs to our kids.

To find out more about what Dawnette is up to, check out these links: 
"Your Money On Purpose" Podcast


As Dawnette mentioned, there can be a lot of emotions around money. Maybe you are one of those people who get stressed out thinking about looking at your bank account or can feel you anxiety rise as it gets closer and closer to the end of the month because you are afraid you won’t have enough money to make it. 

This can feel like a never ending cycle. But with Dawnette’s tips and adding in some more tools like Adaptiv, you can take control over your money for once!

Adpativ, the calming blend, is perfect for stressful moments. 

When you are feeling anxious thinking about money, you can add a few drops into your diffuser or apply some of the to your wrists, neck or over your heart, or just take a few smells right out of the bottle! 

This blend will help you create a relaxing and uplifting space- perfect for when you are planning a vision rather than a budget for your money.

Learn more about Adaptiv.

BONUS: If you want to add this to your toolbox, along with any other oils/products, you can get wholesale pricing just by using the link below AND a 1-year membership for FREE (with no ordering requirements). Want to dive into more of why natural solutions like this are great for your home? Check this out.