There’s not much that “one size fits all” applies to, not pantyhose and definitely not parenting!

DJ Stutz, an Early Childhood Specialist with more than 20 years of teaching experience, parenting coach, and public speaker, shares numerous nuggets for approaching parenting in a more proactive way.

Because if we are being honest, each child is different and unique and requires a different set of tools at times. And this episode delivers a lot of them!

To find out more about what DJ is up to, check out these links:
Imperfect Heroes Podcast
Little Hearts Academy
LHA Facebook
Imperfect Heroes Podcast Facebook
Imperfect Heroes Podcast Instagram

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This scent is known worldwide because we associate Lavender with relaxation and calming. And that’s why it is PERFECT for parenting.

But the best part about getting doTERRA Lavender is that it is pharmaceutical grade- meaning each bottle will be the same quality and you can trust that it will work every time!

This is great to use topically on your wrists and neck or aromatically out of the bottle, in cupped hands, or in a diffuser.

Learn more about Lavender.

BONUS: If you want to add this to your toolbox, along with any other oils/products, you can get wholesale pricing just by using the link below AND a 1-year membership for FREE (with no ordering requirements). Want to dive into more of why natural solutions like this are great for your home? Check this out.