“I am not the mom I thought I was going to be.” Have you ever thought this?

If so, you need to tune into this episode!

My guest, Emily Edlynn, a clinical psychologist with an academic background and has aimed to infuse science and common sense into the landscape of parenting guidance with her blog and now newly released book “Autonomy-Supportive Parenting: Reduce Parental Burnout and Raise Competent, Confident Children”.

She shares lots of great practical tips on how to incorporate these strategies, the need to be flexible, and why independence is so important for our kids to embrace.

To find out more about Emily and what she's up to, check out these links: 
The Art and Science of Mom Substack


One thing we talked about in this episode was kids being more independent. And while some of us might hate to hear that, because after all we want our kids to stay little, it’s such an essential lesson as they move into adulthood one day. 

But your kids might not be excited or confident enough to take some of this independence on. That is why I wanted to dive inot the essential oil bend Brave. This is a part of the Kids Collection from doTERRA and is the courage blend.

This roller can help invigorate your child while creating a confident and courageous atmosphere. I always love to gibe tools for parents to add to their toolbox, but as we put in a lot of these strategies and techniques, our kids are creating their own toolboxes as well. 

They can simply use this by rolling on their wrists, neck, or over their heart! Or they can apply it to diffuser jewelery like lava beads so they can keep the scent with them all day. 

Learn more about Brave.

BONUS: If you want to add this to your toolbox, along with any other oils/products, you can get wholesale pricing just by using the link below AND a 1-year membership for FREE (with no ordering requirements). Want to dive into more of why natural solutions like this are great for your home? Check this out.