Even though we are a few years out from the pandemic, you may still be struggling with how to rebound from it as a family.

Today’s guest, Jeff Nelligan, is here with some great tips on how to navigate this!

Jeff is the author of “Four Lessons from My Three Sons: How you can Raise Resilient Kids” (Second Edition just released) and most recently of "Your Kids Rebound from the Pandemic Lockdowns: A Parent Guide to Restoring Their Family”

We dive into the importance of showing up to events, screen time approaches to help everyone stay on the same page, the importance of routine, and more!

To find out more about Jeff and what he’s up to, check out these links: 
Email Jeff


Align is part of the yoga collection, but no yoga mat is needed to get the benefits of this powerful oil. Among the essential oils in there are geranium, rose, and jasmine- all of these oils are very heart-centered and will help you open up a little more. This is great when putting a focus on connection and consistency with your family. 

You can use this blend in a diffuser by adding 5-7 drops, or apply it on your wrist, heart, or neck to increase the feeling of grounding. So if you take Jeff’s advice and are heading to the football bleachers on a Saturday morning, this scent is a great way to put you in the right headspace!

Learn more about Align.

BONUS: If you want to add this to your toolbox, along with any other oils/products, you can get wholesale pricing just by using the link below AND a 1-year membership for FREE (with no ordering requirements). Want to dive into more of why natural solutions like this are great for your home? Check this out.