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One of my favorite things I was told by a business coach was that you don't have a personal life and a business life- you just have life

She could have done a mic drop after saying that.

For years, I would try keep them separate, but when you are passionate about what you do, there's no leaving it at your desk when 5 o'clock strikes. So I think it's only fair to give you a look at all sides of my life.

My home life... 

Of course, on top of everything I wear my mom & wife hat. 

In 2012 I got married to one of the most supportive man I've ever met (have to give him some major props somewhere on here!). Bless his heart as he has followed me through all my crazy ideas, journeys and quests. 

One of our greatest adventures has been raising twins. The moment we found out, we knew this was going to be a whole new kind of CHALLENGE. 

And to get totally cliche, they are the why behind everything I do. 



My Entrepreneur Start...

I was totally diggin' my role as an ENTREPRENEUR that I had been playing for 7 years, so when people would ask if I was ever going to start something on my own, I would instantly tell them, "No way." You see, I got the both of best worlds. I got to act like an entrepreneur without all of the risks. It was perfect! 

But then it happened one day- the entrepreneur bug bit... and it bit hard. I can't explain what happened that day I was sitting in a meeting, but this feeling came over me. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. At that moment, it wasn't even a choice of starting something, it was the question of what and when. 

Soon, Hello Life, was born. Of course it wasn't as easy as 1-2-3, but it never is. 

Yet, here I am doing this entrepreneurship thing and killin' it! Okay... maybe not killin' it, but I'm hanging in there the best I can in true entrepreneur spirit! 



Why Not Add Oilpreneur To The list...

"Direct sales- pst. I will never be one of those people!"

Yep, that is a statement that had come out of my mouth a time or two. With the bad rep those people got, I wasn't going to be seen as the salesy chick looking to get rich quick in a multi level marketing scheme. I guess this is a good lesson in "never say never." 

I had used oils while I was in labor with my twins and I totally give them credit for me being able to do a natural unmedicated birth. But after that one bottle of oil was gone, I didn't really give them a second thought. I was lucky to get a shower in every few days- I didn't have time for REsearch.

So, one day when the owner of tena.cious said she was hopping on this oil bandwagon and wanted to know if I wanted to join. Well, of course I said yes.

I got my first oil kit and became obsessed. 

The business part- that followed months after I became the crazy oil lady, but since then my eyes have been opened to the wonderful world of network marketing. Lesson LEARNED to not be too quick to shut the door on an opportunity.


And Now we are here...

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I shared all the above not to say, "look at all I do." But rather to give you an idea of where i'm coming from and a run down of all my experience & to share with you that I have my moments where I'm a hot mess, too. 

Just in the last few years, the lessons I've learned could fill a few notebooks or more.

So now here I am, on a mission to help business owners like you thrive in your business so you can have the life you have been dreaming of. I'm certainly not a life coach & won't PRETEND to be one. I'm here to help you with your marketing, but as my coach said, we just have life. So if you take some life tips away here or there, so be it.

I've spent years trying to find that perfect balance of everything only to come to the realization that there's not such thing. Instead, we ebb & flow to create the HARMONY that our life needs in that moment. But it will change, and that's okay.

As I said before, it takes a village.

We can't do this crazy thing of life and make it out alive if we don't have a tribe cheering us on, giving us support, and pushing us to where we want to go. 

I can't wait to be apart of your tribe... if you'll have me.
