Who are you up-serving?
I know you’ve been there before. You get worried that people are going to think of you as a sleazy sales person. No one likes that feeling.
We get so caught up with being falsely perceived as “only in it for the money” when we try to offer extra services or products to someone.
The truth is… people need what you have. They have been hoping, praying, and wishing for the solution that you have to offer.
I got to hang out with some totally powerhouse business women this past week and it got me jacked about going out and helping more people. But, for me, it’s really easy to slip back into old mindset, especially when offering products like Hello Life and doTERRA. Will people think I’m just trying to make a buck off of them?
But one of the fabulous women I got to see this week was Amanda Walljasper-Tate, owner of The Daily Apple and she shared that she wants to have her team focus on how they can up-serve everyone who walks through their doors.
Not up-sell… up-serve. How can they best impact their customers by offering those additional items they have been hoping, praying, and wishing for?
WOW. Just think about that for a moment.
For those true entrepreneurs, we all know that we didn’t get into this because we thought it would be a get-rich-quick kind of thing. We got into it because we knew we could help people. That is what keeps us going even through those hard times.
So let’s make a deal…. let’s make the mind shift and get rid of the old belief that we are just “selling” to people and remind ourselves that we are helping people.
Go through your current clients/customers and ask yourself how can you better up-serve them. What else could you offer that would make their lives easier?
Imagine if you stayed in this mindset. How many more people will you impact? (Anyone else get chills thinking about that?!)
Hit reply and tell me who you are going to up-serve today!