
If you are feeling overwhelmed and confused by all things marketing, know that you are not alone. Did that give you a sigh of relief?

In the past years, I have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs move out of the overwhelm stage of marketing into a space where it is fun, simple, and effective. Yes, marketing can be all of that!

Too, often we feel like we have to be everywhere and on everything.

Truth is, you don’t. What you need is a dedicated plan, a clear vision, and your eye on the prize (aka a trackable goal).

Still feeling a little unclear on how to do all that? Well, thank goodness you landed here because I can help.

I might not be an expert in everything about biz, but I do know a thing or two about marketing & want to help you get past your roadblocks. Most often I run into entrepreneurs who just need a little guidance and brainstorming help to take control of their marketing plan so it starts working in their favor.

If the following describes you, then you came to the right place…

» You need help! You’ve been doing this on your own for far too long.
» You don’t see the bigger picture of how to make all of your marketing work together.
» You have big goals for your biz, but need GUIdance on how to get there & how to finally make your marketing work for your business. 
» You feel like you’ve been doing the same thing over & over again, but need to step out of that box & get some new ideas.

If you couldn’t help but raise your hand as you read through those, then I have a solution.

This is how this whole thing works…

» Commit to me for 90 days.
During this time, I will be dedicated to giving you my all. In return, I need you to be coachable; none of this, “I’ve tried that all before- nothing works” kind of attitude.

» You must be willing to take action.
The magic happens between the our one-on-one sessions, meaning you must be willing to put things into play vs just writing them down or moving them to the bottom of your two-do list.

» Together, we will develop a plan
We will start out with an on-boarding session that will last up to 90 minutes to set up a strategy forecast for the next 90 days. Sometimes those first breakthroughs happen fast and there’s no need to keep you from taking action!

» Monthly check-ins
Each month, we will have a virtual meeting for 45 minutes to review specifically what marketing ideas/tasks you need to complete to go after your overall goal.

» Unlimited access.
That’s right, you have unlimited virtual access to me for whatever you need- consulting, handholding, feedback, and/or brainstorming. 

Are you in… like all in and ready to make a change?

Perfect. I love the go-getter attitude. 

But If you want to connect before committing, just to make sure we jive, let's have a chat

On the other hand, if you are ready to go, I am too, lady!

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“At the beginning I didn’t know exactly what to expect to learn over the next weeks. My biggest takeaways were that it’s SO important to set goal and treat yourself for what you have achieved big or small. I also learned the importance in asking questions in places that I don’t understand or know as well as others and not to feel bad about that. Angie taught me that it’s also okay to be confident in the areas that I do know a lot about... My favorite part was getting to build a relationship with Angie. She is devoted to her past, present, and future clients.
— Makyna G., Legacy Network