What does healthy really mean?

Today’s guest, Dr. Sheila Carroll, a board-certified pediatrician and obesity medicine physician along with being a certified life and weight coach for parents, shares how weight is just one factor of our health, but not the main thing we should be concerned about.

We talk about the marketing we have to look out for (especially with our kid’s foods), how our body image thoughts trickle down to our kids, what the difference is between life span and health span, and even what to do about “picky” eaters!

To find out more about what Dr. Sheila is up to, check out these links:


MetaPWR Advantage is one of the parts of the overall MetaPWR system to help increase your metabolic health. 

Advantage is individually packaged collagen that we use each morning in our home. But why?

I have seen my mood management become better, my energy levels increase which has decreased my caffeine intake, and my focus improve greatly! Plus, it has greatly helped with my skin, including greatly reducing the appearance of a scar on my back.  

This is seriously a mom essential! You can take it in the morning or afternoon by grabbing a small cup of water and mixing in the packet!

Learn more about MetaPWR Advantage.
Purchase a sample of the MetaPWR Advantage.
Learn more about the complete MetaPWR System.

BONUS: If you want to add this to your toolbox, along with any other oils/products, you can get wholesale pricing just by using the link below AND a 1-year membership for FREE (with no ordering requirements). Want to dive into more of why natural solutions like this are great for your home? Check this out.