Access Empowering Entrepreneurs Class

Learn from Clarissa Tu, Hypnotherapist, and Angie Weber, Wellness Advocate, on how to clear your blocks and gain clarity around your next biggest business hurdles.
During this one hour session, you will learn the power of hypnotherapy accompanied by a select essential oils to clear your mind and move towards accomplishing your next big goal.

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I’m Clarissa, Certified Hypnotherapist. I grew up drawing self-value from external sources, harboring a constant need to prove myself. Throughout most of my life, I studied and worked compulsively, struggled with self-esteem and body image issues, and lacked healthy boundaries between myself and others. Because of this, I studied the debilitating effects of anxiety and perfectionism at UC Berkeley for my psychology honors’ thesis, aiming to help myself and others become happier. I went on to graduate school, earning a clinical doctorate at USC in occupational therapy. Along the way, I worked with a hypnotherapist and found profound peace, hope, and freedom from my lifelong issues. Amazed at the effectiveness of hypnotherapy, I sought to learn the craft, graduating with honors from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute (the first federally accredited college of hypnotherapy). I continued working with my hypnotherapist as I transitioned into entrepreneurship, exploring and shifting my relationship with money and success, empowering me on my path forward. I’m looking forward to guiding you in the same way. Learn More

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I’m Angie: an absolute fanatic about oils. My love of oils started when I was pregnant with my twins & I was searching for ANYTHING to avoid me having a needle in my back. So when a girlfriend of mine mentioned essential oils, I figured there was nothing to lose.
I grabbed up a few oils and had them rolling in the diffuser throughout my entire labor. And you know what? They were AMAZING! I was so calm & relaxed (I mean as much as you can be while in labor). In the end, I was able to do a natural un-medicated birth to bring my two babes into the world. 
Fast forward about a year later and we were doing “fine”- no big issues happening, no more than the normal sick days everyone seemed to be having. But when I was told about doTERRA, something inside me question if “fine” was good enough. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t! 
So before I even attended a class, I grabbed up my first kit from doTERRA and after getting a crazy amount of support, our house started swapping out the old with the new (aka natural products) and I realized that “fine” was anything but. Our health improved, those sick days no longer existed, our moods were better, and overall our energy was getting increasing everyday. 
After about a year of using, I realized others NEEDED to know about these things. So here we are! I can’t wait to help support you in your journey no matter where you’re at.