Welcome parents
If you are overwhelmed, confused, tired, and stressed out over being a parent, you found the right place. Know that you are not alone; none of us know what we are doing but we are all just hoping for the best!
Being thrown into motherhood with twins, I’ve had my fair share of times where my emotions got the best of me and I found myself sitting with my back against the bathroom door because didn’t know what else to do. And on the other end of the spectrum, I’ve had to take a “mommy minute” for when my kids emotions seem to be going up and down quicker than a rollercoaster.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not the perfect parent… far from it and I’m sure my kids would be the first to share some stories. I did not create this space to share a magic formula that is a one size fits all that will make your kids into the perfect angels. But through my own healing, I have learned some amazing skills that we have incorporated into our home and passed on to our kids. With the amazing results we’ve seen, I have been waiting to share it with others.
We will be diving into different tools you can add to your parenting toolbox for all types of situations that parenthood will throw at you and you might just pick up a few tips for yourself!