It all started whenβ¦
I was pregnant with my twins & looking for different tools to assist me in having a natural unmedicated birth (not a fan of needles here).
Long story short, I used essential oils & they were AMAZING. Even nurses were stopping in to ask what I had going in the room.
The problem was, once I got home from the hospital, I was focused on making sure the babies were fed and I was showered (well, at least once or twice a week). I didn't dig into anything more natural because I was too overwhelmed with my new hat of mom & didn't have much support from where I originally got my first oils.
About a year later, I was introduced to the wonderful world of doTERRA. At first, it was a huge commitment for our family to add these into our budget but something told me I just had to. After all, the health of my family depended on it.
Trying to juggle the hats of entrepreneur of 2 businesses, wife, and mom, I got the question, "How do you do it all?" Once I got down to it, I realized the answers were in these little brown bottles. These bottles provided us better health than we had ever imagined. And we all know what sick days can do to a schedule, right?!
So now, here I am, obsessed with these brown bottles (and the other amazing products doTERRA has to offer) & looking forward to sharing it with other families. I am 110% focused on being users' support system- taking it one step at a time so they are confident and empowered to use their oils. After all, essential oils were created to be used.
Disclaimer: All information contained within this website is for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease