The truth is, we live in a different world than when we were kids. The old ways of parenting just don’t work and honestly, a lot of them never really did.

You want to raise some really amazing kids, but are overwhelmed at all the “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts” you get bombarded with on social media.

Get access to the masterclass and learn from experts who are looking to break the old cycles of parenting and offer you new tips, tools, and strategies for your family.


  • If you’re a parent, you already know that kids can have some BIG emotions. And when this happens, it can be frustrating for both the kids and the parents.

    When emotions get too big on both sides, rarely is there a good outcome that doesn’t involve some major mom guilt.

    But what if we could learn to take a pause, understand what is happening, and have tools to defuse the situation rather than ignite it?

    During this session, you will learn how to track your emotions, understand when your child is getting outside their “sweet spot”, and equip yourself with a handful of ideas on how to express and release the emotions that are coming up!

    Speaker: Angie Weber

  • Do You Have a Spirited Child?

    You are exhausted from constantly planning for, managing, and attempting to tame your child's outbursts.

    Family and friends don't understand that regular parenting advice doesn't work for your kid. You want to connect with your spirited child, not punish them. But nobody ever showed you how to stay connected with your child while teaching them how to listen to you the first time.

    Until now.

    Developed by a single mom who felt like she was failing because she was yelling at her kids, The Six Steps will show you how to go from frustrated and yelling to calm, confident, and connected.

    Speaker: Susan Morley

  • Just as there are adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) that play a role in the future success of kids, there are also 7 positive childhood experiences (PCEs) that can offset their damage.

    We'll chat about how each PCE you introduce to your child’s life, will give them another necessary tool they will need for long-term success, happiness, and resilience.

    Speaker: Michelle Stephens

  • To say a lot is going on socially and emotionally during childhood is an understatement.

    This is a phase of BIG changes in growth and development.

    This presentation will share what is happening developmentally during childhood and adolescence and why these changes impact kids’ social worlds.

    Jessica will share Friendship Truths from her award-winning kids’ book, BFF or NRF (Not Really Friends), to help kids and families navigate the ups and downs of friendships.

    Jessica also shares how parents and caregivers can support kids through this phase.

    Speaker: Jessica Speer

  • There are a lot of kids who have anxious feelings and when we don’t know how to help them as a parent, we can feel helpless.

    During this session, you will better learn the purpose of anxious feelings and create a 3-step plan for helping your anxious kid.

    Speaker: Laura Reardon

  • Although we may not want to recognize our children as sexual beings, the reality is that they have reproductive parts and are exposed to numerous messages about sexuality throughout their days.

    Therefore let's be proactive and start positive talks with our young people on the topic!

    Hosting this discussion is Dr. Lori Reichel, the person behind the Puberty Prof Podcast and a nationally recognized health educator.

    Overall concepts in this discussion will include how to set up communication “norms” for talks, basic concepts to chat about, and how to teach basic healthy life skills dealing with our body parts and healthy relationships.

    Speaker: Dr. Lori Reichel

  • Self-care can feel overwhelming at times, but it is important that even for 15 minutes you focus on YOU.

    Each morning of the masterclass, you will be getting a 15-minute guided movement session to get your body and mind aligned. Even if you can’t get it in right away in the morning, you are encouraged to find a time that works for you in your schedule to follow along.

    Instructor: Gina Cordova