Are you the yelling mom?

So often, I hear from moms that they feel like all they do is yell at their kids. While we are caught up in the emotions, sometimes it seems like it’s the only option. But the good news is that there are other ways to get your kids to listen without yelling!

They call today’s guest Sharon Silver The Parent Whisperer. She has the unique ability to see things through a child’s eyes, allowing her to understand and express what kids that age are too young to articulate. She helps parents replace the reaction habit with a mindfully firm authority so the wounds that informed their childhood are not passed to another generation.

Sharon believes that we all want to be more mindful of what we say and do, and as a result, we’ve begun exploring the deep need to be honest and supportive. But unfortunately, when it comes to parenting, we’re still behind the times; we are still yelling, reacting, and punishing.

Sharon has been a parenting educator, instructor, and coach for 30 years, raised two strong-willed kids, and she says, “If I wasn’t perfect at it, and could shift from reacting to responding, anyone can!”

Tune in to learn ways to replace your yelling, still set boundaries and rules, and the magic two word phrase to stop attitude in its tracks!

To get in touch with Sharon, check out her links:
Proactive Parenting website
#1 selling playbook: 10 No-Yelling Methods System
Proactive Parenting on Facebook


Today’s oil is essential for every mom’s toolkit, Lavender!

This oil has been used as far back as the the Egyptians and Romans for relaxation and calming. So it’s no surprise that this is an essential in every mom’s toolkit; for both the parents and kiddos.

When you feel like you are getting outside your window of tolerance, aka your emotions are taking over to the point where you are unable to calm down, you want to grab for your bottle of lavender. Take a few deep breaths of this oil from the bottle or after you rub a few drops in your hands to create a calming affect.

You can also throw this in the diffuser to create a more calming environment or even put a few drops in your bathtub. 

Learn more about Lavender.