
What I've got to offer


Coffee & Clarity

Are you feeling totally stuck with your marketing?

You don’t know what to do, how to get it all done, and no matter how many blogs you read, you can’t find the “secret” formula to it all.

There’s something holding you back & all you need is a little bit of clarity to break through. Not A big long drawn out course- something quick, something now. You’re doing this thing pretty much solo & you need some straightforward help.

You are so crazy busy working in your business, you aren’t sure what you need to do to work on your businesses.

What you need is clarity.


90 day Consulting

The thought of marketing makes you want to go crawl back in that comfy bed of yours and pull the covers over your head.

You’re overwhelmed and it’s leading you to feel paralyzed with your business. There are so many things you “should” be doing, you wonder why you got into this entrepreneur thing at all. Plus, you’re doing it by yourself. Ugh.

Well, have no fear, girl, we can get through this together. 

Consulting might just be the thing you need in your life. So let’s take this one step at a time.

Step 1: Breathe.
Step 2: See if we are a good fit to get your business to thrive.





I love being on stage and speaking. Some have been known to say I might even bring out a laugh or two when I'm up there, but I don't believe in talking to the AUDIENCE. I want to Talk with the people in the seats.

leadership, business, marketing, networking, Balancing All The Crazy » my topics range, but all have one goal in mind; to use my experiences and expertise to ignite the audience. In all things in life, we can put strategy behind it & I help create clarity to show the audience a roadmap.